The administration framework of Blackfriars Priory School is designed to coordinate and deliver the short-term and long-term goals approved by the Board. Each forum is to have a clearly defined purpose, and operate on the principles of subsidiarity and collegiality.

The church has long advocated the principle of subsidiarity by which decisions are best when made closest to those most affected by the decisions.

People and bodies at all levels of the school’s organisation exercise authority and accept responsibility within the areas of their own agreed competence. Therefore, all routine decisions are made by persons operating within their own organisational competence.

Only when an issue arises that exceeds a person’s or body’s organisational competence does a superior person or body need to be involved. If there is doubt about a person’s or body’s competence in decision-making, caution should be observed by referring the matter to the next superior person or body. There may be rare situations when the nature of the problem does not allow referral.


The Blackfriars Priory School Board is responsible for strategic planning and policy design and development, ensuring that the activities of Blackfriars are congruent with the espoused Dominican tradition.

  • Angelo Primavera (BPS’81), Chair
  • Giovanna Toldi, Deputy Chair
  • Victoria Frith
  • Fr Peter Toan Nguyen O.P.
  • James Pedersen
  • Suzanne Pinyon
  • Fr Manne Tellis O.P.
  • David Ruggiero (BPS’92), Principal
  • Gerard Leahy, Secretary

Executive Team

The Blackfriars Executive Team is responsible for formalising school-wide goals and systematically evaluating the success of each initiative. In addition, the Executive holds the mandate to ensure that events which affect the whole school are well planned, executed and evaluated.